Life goes on, September 1940
Signed Limited Edition print of 1500
Published 1990
Image Size 24" x 15"
"I was nine years old during the Battle of Britain, living in North London. Collecting bits of shrapnel and pieces of crashed German aircraft was all the greatest excitement for us small boys. Even having a load of incendiary bombs dropped in the field next door and rushing out before the police got there to collect the tails was fun! I don't think we realised that people were killing each other as we heard the rattle of machine guns and watched the twisting vapour trails in the blue sky above as we went to school.
As my record of the Battle of Britain I have resisted the temptation to paint more obvious battle scenes in the air. I well remember such a picture as I have painted. I have tried to record the 'feel' of those momentous days as, in the true British spirit, life had to go on. In spite of the fighting overhead and aircraft crashing all around in the fields of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, the harvest had to be gathered in and nothing was going to interupt it!"
David Shepherd
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