Signed Prints
David Shepherd
Signed, limited edition prints :- "Big Cats of the world"
Sleepy Tigers "Tiger in the sun" "Just Cats" 'Serengeti Friends'
Signed, limited edition Signed, limited edition Signed, limited edition Signed, limited edition
Jungle Gentleman 'Into the sunlight 'Burning Bright' "The Tigers of Bandhavgarh"
Published 1990 Published 2002 Published 1989 Published 1996
Indian Siesta Tiger in the snow "The White Tiger of Rewa" Lonely Vigil
Published 1988 Silkscreen published 2001 by David Shepherd
Cheetah 'African Evening, Zambezi Waterhole' 'Leopards' "Africa"
Silkscreen Published 1992 Silkscreen Published 2002 Silkscreen Published 1997 Silkscreen 1993
First light at Savuti Savuti Sands The Sentinel "Tiger Fire"
Published 1995 Published 1995 signed, limited edition
Two gentlemen of Savuti Evening in the Luangwa Jaguar 'Jaguars'
Pub. 1991 Pub. 1978 1998 Published 1991
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd
"Cheetahs" Cheetahs of Namibia Clouded leopard and cubs Best spots on the hill
1990 1997 1993 David Shepherd
Snow leopard cub cameo Ocelot cub cameo Tiger cub cameo 'Working sketch for the
Signed, limited edition signed, limited edition painting of a tiger'
Cool Waters Teenage Tiger Cool Tiger Bengal Tiger cameo
1987 1992 1992
Lion cubs Tigercubs Tiger sketch Lion sketch
date of pub. 1982 1982 1987 1987
Lion head Tiger head Lion cameo Young Africa
by David Shepherd Published 1992
Snow Leopard Cheetah family in the Serengeti Quiet Time Bandipur Tiger
David Shepherd David Shepherd Signed, limited edition print Silkscreen
Signed, limited edition prints :- Elephants
Happy Time In the Masai Mara Old George under Elephant Bronze
his favourite Baobab tree David Shepherd
Elephants and Egrets Luangwa Evening Evening of the elephant Dusty Evening
by David Shepherd by David Shepherd by David Shepherd signed, limited edition
'Tembo Mzee' 'The Crossing' Evening in Africa Elephant Heaven
Published 1980 signed, limited edition Published 1995 David Shepherd
African Babies Baobab and friends Land of the Baobab tree 'Three Happy Jumbos'
Pub.1992 Pub.1993 signed, limited edition David Shepherd
Kilaguni Babies Mothers Meeting African Landscape Old Charlie
David Shepherd signed, limited print David Shepherd David Shepherd
The Elephant and the Anthill My Savuti Friend Heavy Traffic Gentle Giant Amboseli
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd
Signed, limited edition prints :- Wildlife of the world

Evening Thunder Clouds Black Rhinoceros Water Buck
Signed print Signed print Signed print
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd

Nile Cabbage Cheetah The Pride
Signed print Signed print Signed print
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd

Panda sketch 'Winter in Wolong' Pandas of Wolong "The Last Refuge"
Signed print Published September 2003 Published 1994 Silkscreen
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd

The Water-hole Trilogy High and Mighty "Koala"
Published 1989 Published 1986 Published 1997

Zebra Drawing Zebra, mother 'Zebras and Colony weavers' After the rain
Signed print and foal, Etosha Published 1981 David Shepherd

Egrets and Friends American Bison Elephant seals
David Shepherd Signed limited edition print David Shepherd

African Afternoon "In the thick stuff" Arabian Oryx Greater Kudu
Published 1976 Published 1979 Published 1990 Published 1979

Polar Bear Country Lonely Vigil Lone Wanderers of the Arctic
Published 2001 Published 1994 Pub. 1989 S.L.E. of 1500

Arctic Foxes Mountain Lion silkscreen Ice Wilderness
Image size 8.75" x 14" 1996 by David Shepherd

Men of the Woods, Orang-Utans Lowland Gorillas (silkscreen) Mountain gorillas of Rwanda In the mists of Rwanda
Image size 17" x 27" Image size 14" x 21" Image size 27" x 18" Silkscreen published 2004

Hot Potami Sunday Best Happy Hippo Baby Gorilla
Published 1985 click image for details Published 1995 signed, limited edition print

Rhino Reverie Indian Rhino Rhino Beware Black Rhino cameo
1986 click image for details Pub.1988 by David Shepherd
Signed, limited edition prints :- British wildlife and landscapes

Country cousins Highland Cattle Fred after his Shampoo
David Shepherd David Shepherd Signed, limited edition

Muscovy Ducks Life goes on Sept.'40 Roosters Eggs sixpence a dozen
by by by by
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd

While the sun shines The Lunchbreak This England Mrs P and the kids
by by by by
David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd

Old Ben's cottage 'Last leaves of Autumn' The last load of summer The Orphans
David Shepherd Published 1987 Signed,limited edition of 850 Signed, limited edition

Grannie's Kitchen Grandpa's Workshop The Clockmender's Cat Playtime
Published 1990 Published 1983 by David Shepherd by David Shepherd

Is it a Ladybird? 'But teddy doesn't need a ticket' Biscuits 'Cottage companions'
Published 1997 Published 1994 by David Shepherd David Shepherd

Happy home for Donkeys Donkeys Donkeytalk Winter Foxes
by David Shepherd by David Shepherd by David Shepherd signed, limited edition

Plough Team Summertime Captain and Sergeant "Porkers"
Published 1980 Published 1995 Published 1980 Published 1983

Shampoo Time 'The Old Forge' Jimmy's Forge "The old forge"
David Shepherd Published 1982 David Shepherd Bronze

'Shelties' High Noon 'Shoeing Time' Lazy hazy days
If you would like to visit the studio in Nottinghamshire, (Saturdays and Sundays are fine too) Please call 01623 799 309
We have a collection of over 500 David Shepherd signed limited edition prints and original paintings for sale.
Signed, limited edition, prints and original paintings
30 years experience and a collection of hundreds of David Shepherd
signed, limited edition prints!
Studio open, 7 days a week!
Viewing by appointment
We specialize in
signed prints and original paintings and drawings by the world acclaimed artist L.S. Lowry.
The demand for his work has now reached record highs, and due to the relatively few signed limited edition prints available,
they are proving to be an excellent investment, much greater than any current banking investments.
A watercolourist, whose work needs little introduction in the world of art is Sir William Russell Flint.
We stock hundreds of this artist's signed limited edition
and always a fine selection of his original watercolour paintings.
Throughout his life Sir William Russell Flint has spent many years painting beautiful watercolour images of scenes in France,
in particular Dordogne and the Perigord, where this beautiful
holiday house is to let click here
and offers complete tranquility and relaxation.
There are also a number of signed limited edition prints of paintings from Britanny, The Loire, Ardeche, Provence.
We have for sale several original paintings from the south west France, near to the beautiful towns of Brantome and Perigueux and also Languedoc
His work has now become regarded as some of the finest watercolour paintings in the world.
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David Shepherd prints for sale.