The Original Paintings and Drawings by Lowry illustrated below, are part of an ongoing effort to catalogue Lowry's work

L.S. Lowry

R.B.A., R.A.

Original paintings and Drawings.

original belle view house leaf square lowry original behind leaf square lowry original boy in school lowry original boy
Belle Vue House Behind Leaf Square Boy in School Boy
Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing

lowry drawing bandstand peel park lowry drawing band stand salford lowry original behind leaf square lowry original behind leaf square 2
Band Stand Peel Park Bandstand, Salford Behind Leaf Square Behind Leaf Square 2
Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing

original lowry christ church salford l.s. lowry original children playing failsworth lowry original behind leaf square 3 original christ church 2 salford l.s.lowry lowry drawing original behind leaf square 4
Christ Church Children playing, Failsworth Behind Leaf Square 3 Christ Church 2 Salford Behind Leaf Square 4

Painting Drawing ls lowry Drawing

lowry original estuary original estuary lslowry original-francis terrace salford lslowry lowry original original-francisterracesalford3 lowry painting cripples
Estuary The Fight Francis Terrace, Salford Francis Terrace 3 The Cripples
Painting by L.S.Lowry by L.S.Lowry Drawing Painting
L.S.Lowry Painting Drawing by L.S.Lowry by L.S.Lowry

lowry painting original coming from the mill original country road l.s.lowry original county court salford l.s.lowry lowry painting original doctors waiting room lowry original frank joplin fletcher
Coming from the Mill Country Road County Court Salford Doctor's Waiting Room Frank Joplin Fletcher
Painting Drawing Drawing Lowry Lowry
L.S.Lowry L.S. Lowry L.S.Lowry Painting Painting

lowry original funeral party lowry original gentleman looking lowry original girl with bouffant hair drawing lowry original great ancoats street lowry drawing great ancoats street manchester
Funeral Party Gentleman Looking Girl with Great Ancoats Street Great Ancoats Steet 2
Lowry L.S. Lowry" bouffant hair Lowry drawing
Painting Painting L.S.Lowry drawing L.S. Lowry

lowry watercolour original going to work drawing head from the antique lowry lowry drawing head of a man lowry painting head of a bald man lowry painting group of people
Going to Work Head from the Antique Head of a Man Head of a Bald Man Group of People
Watercolour Drawing Drawing Painting Painting
L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry

lowry painting original head of a man with red eyes  lowry drawing original head of a young man lowry painting house on the moor lowry drawing houses in Broughton lowry painting landmark
Man with red eyes Head of a young man House on the Moor Houses in Broughton Land Mark
Painting Drawing Painting l s lowry l s lowry
Lowry Lowry Lowry drawing Painting

lowry original landscape in cumberland lowry original landscape lslowry original level crossing lowry lodging house lowry man in overcoat drawing
Landscape in Cumberland Landscape Level Crossing Lodging House Man in Overcoat
painting L.S.Lowry by L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry by L.S.Lowry
L.S.Lowry Painting Painting Original Drawing

lowry painting original man lying on a wall lowry painting original market scene lowry drawing nude boy lowry drawing nude from the antique lowry old farm painting
Man Lying on a Wall Market Scene Nude Boy Nude from the Antique Old Farm
Painting Painting Drawing Drawing Painting

original-oldfieldroaddwellings lowry drawing lowry drawing old houses flint lowry original old houses lowry peel park salford, painting lowry peel park, Lamp post, drawing
Oldfield road Dwellings Old houses Flint Old Houses Peel Park, Salford Peel Park Lamp Post
by L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry Painting L.S.Lowry L.S.Lowry
Drawing Drawing Lowry Painting Drawing

lowry peel park salford sketch lowry drawing peel park sketch peel park 2 sketch lslowry lowry peel park 3 sketch lowry original peel park sketch 4
Peel Park, Salford Peel Park Peel Park 2 Peel Park 3 Peel Park 4
"Laurence S. Lowry" drawing L.S. Lowry original drawing L.S.Lowry
Sketch Lowry Drawing L.S. Lowry drawing

lowry original portrait of a man drawing lowry original portrait of ann lowry peel park sketch 5 lowry peel park statue drawing lowry original polling station drawing
Portrait of a Man Portrait of Ann Peel Park Sketch 5 Peel Park Statue The Polling Station
L.S.Lowry Painting L.S.Lowry Drawing L.S.Lowry

lowry original seated nude drawing lowry original seated woman lowry seated male nude sketch 5 lowry richmond hill drawing lowry original rtc drawing
Seated Nude Seated Woman Seated Male Nude Ricmond Hill RTC

lowry original post office drawing lowry original reclining nude woman lowry river irwell sketch lowry seascape painting lowry original st stephens chuch salford drawing
The Post Office Reclining Nude River Irwell Seascape St Stephen's Church, Salford

lowry original study of head drawing lowry original st. stephens church drawing lowry original st stephens church salford 2 lowry steps peel park sketch lowry st augustine's church drawing lowry original  portrait painting
Study of Head St. Stephen's Church St. Stephen's Church Steps, Peel Park St. Augustine's Church Portrait

lowry original the lake painting lowry original tke 1951 painting lowry original the blitz painting lowry the flat iron market sketch lowry st simon's church drawing lowry original st simon's church painting
The Lake The Lake 1951 The Blitz Flat Iron Market St. Simon's Church St. Simon's Church
painting painting painting drawing drawing painting

lowry original view from the rtc drawing lowry original view of peel park drawing lowry original the tower drawing lowry meeting place 2 painting lowry wet earth colliery dixon drawing lowry, original, waiting for the newspapers, drawing

View from the RTC View of Peel Park The Tower Meeting Place Wet Earth Colliery Waiting for the Newspapers

signed limited edition prints and paintings by wildlife artist David Shepherd,
Sir William Russell Flint whose paintings and signed limited edition prints are in great demand.
Famous for his portraits of Cecilia, Flint's greastest works illustrate the architecture and landscape throughout rural France
This holiday house near Brantome, in the area of Dordogne is ideally situated to enjoy the France.
The work of Mr L.S. Lowry has become of great artistic and financial importance of recent years.
A selection of his signed prints and drawings can be viewed and bought here
Our aim is to offer our clients an excellent service at unbeatable prices.

pandas 2001